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3D Course 
Distract - Disengage - 

Most owners say the same thing… “My dog’s great at home, but when there is a distraction, they do not listen!” That’s why we have created this 3D course to work on just that, your dog around distractions! As well as teaching you important life skills you’ll use every day, we will also then test or proof those skills, by slowly adding distractions. 

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Will this class suit me? 

Perfect for any owner looking to improve their dog’s overall behaviour and self-control around distractions, as well as learn the techniques needed to effectively and safely, manage their dog in these challenging moments. No previous training required, and all dogs all ages welcome. 

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Dogs are often distracted by people, other dogs and food, so that’s exactly what we will use in class! Each week we will challenge your dog using a variety of distractions, all in different exercises. Using basic skills (which we will also teach if unknown), these exercises will replicate many situations dog owners face day to day. It’s our aim by the end of the course, that your dog is less distracted by these distractions, you yourself are able to distract or disengage them before they get too excited, and ultimately become more desensitising to distractions, making everyone’s life easier, happier and safer!

Fee - 150

Length - 4 weeks

Duration - 4 hours

Certificate & rosette on week 4 for all

WhatsApp group for help outside of class

That sense of achievement - Absolutely free!

*All our clients also receive a 10% discount card for the pet store Petstop!

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